Entre chien et loup


Papa Went To Heaven

Drama, Comedy : 90', 1998
Directed by Jacques Renard
With : Aurore Clément - Luce Mouchel - Aurélia Petit - Madeleine Marion - Elisabeth Legillon - Sylviane Goudal - Francia Seguy - Arlette Renard
Soon after the death of their father, Corinne, Roseline and Francine throw themselves headlong into some extravagant adventures. Francine decides to invite home the fathers of her five children in the hopes of filling the void left by her dead father. Roseline, who tends to confuse her dreams with reality, runs away in a preposterous attempt to get her relationship out of the rut it has fallen into. Finally, there is Corinne, "the cutest one," as their father used to say, who sets off on a frantic search for "a man who's better looking than her"! These little everyday escapades enable the three sisters to get beyond the pain of mourning their father and to set free their secret desires, much to the surprise of their friends and family… Summer 1997, in the North of France, a father dies. Grief stricken, his three daughters, Roseline, Corinne et Francine start acting a bit crazy. Nothing serious, small daily acts of craziness, serious or funny, which will enable the girl’s to pull themselves together, to get over their grief and to fill the void left around their mother. This won’t stop the father from reappearing a little while later to give his point of view on the question!


Renard Jacques


Minyana Philippe


Renard Jacques

Directeur de la photo

Bouquin Jacques

Ingénieur du son

Castro Ricardo

Chef décorateur

Ginet Jean-Paul

Créateur des costumes

Parelle Monic

Monteur image

Moulinier Elisabeth


Bonnard Eric

Avec l'aide de

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB)

Key cast

Clément Aurore

Key cast

Mouchel Luce

Key cast

Petit Aurélia

Key cast

Marion Madeleine

Key cast

Legillon Elisabeth

Key cast

Goudal Sylviane

Key cast

Seguy Francia

Key cast

Renard Arlette


Archipel 35


ARTE France Cinéma




Entre Chien et Loup


RTBF (Télévision belge)

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